HOORAY! Journal
Write down all of your successes, big or small to keep you inspired more often.
Resources Worksheet
When we feel lost or less than, we need to pull out our resources, and see how awesome we actually are! Put it on your mirror to see every day.
Goals Worksheet
Get out of your overwhelm. Finally make your goals a reality by writing them down!
What Would You Like? Worksheet
Get oriented to move forward to create the life you always dreamed of. We have to start somewhere!
Circadian Rhythms Worksheet
What time is best to get your work done? When does your body detoxify? Master this and become more effective more often.
​Brain Integration Institute:
A great resource for integrating your experience. My colleagues and I have put this together to increase awareness and help those improve their experience in amazing ways.
Ghost Removal and Energetic Clearings:
I created this site specifically to help those who have need of removing those things that go bump in the night.
The very best in NLP training that takes you far beyond the other schools in the country. Carl Bucheit and his team are solid and amazing. This is where I got my training.
Introspective Photography Classes:
Reverend Lisa J. Winston has amazing insight and wisdom to share and inspire within you.
An oasis of stillness; spiritual, non-demonational. Harihar Ramji, or Babaji is a wonderful guide into stillness and seeing with the heart.
A very unique school that is held in two 10 day sessions. What an eye opening and soul awakening experience.
​ Books
I have read all the below and found them eye opening and helpful for understanding myself and the world a bit better. Enjoy!​
Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual
William J. Baldwin and Edith Fiore
Acknowledging What Is: Conversations with Bert Hellinger
Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment
Jed McKenna
Do you want to really get to enlightenment? He doesn't beat around the bush and if you follow his advice... You get there. Simple Clean Beautiful.
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior:
David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD.
I Am That: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Many stories sharing the same message of who you truly are in a beautiful gentle way.
A Course in Miracles
Dr. Helen Schucman
A guide in moving through what is holding you back with Christianity as the backdrop.
The Pain Companion
Sarah Shockley​
Many Lives, Many Masters
Brian J. Weiss, M.D.
A true account of a psychiatrists client who had many phobias and got more than he anticipated and expanded our knowledge of what truly influences us.
Saved by the Light
Danion Brinkley
A life-altering experience proved so powerful he came back from the light changed in more ways than one.
I also went to a lecture of his years ago and found him to truly be psychic like he has claimed. He is quite an individual!
A Child of Eternity
Adriana Rocha
A child and her mother grow together as they learn to communicate beyond words, and through a typewriter. Her daughter had trauma and memories in the womb and shares them with the world.